Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Carter Eli Chabot

Okay so since it's been over a year now since I've blogged...I guess it's time to fill you in on all the crazy stuff that's happened!! So as a start....Carter Eli Chabot was born on November 6th, 2009. We thought that he would definatly be a girl and had so many little girl names and were shocked to find out that we needed a boy name! ha! After the ultrasound we headed down to the Dave Matthews Concert and decided, he definatley had to be named after Carter Beauford, Dave's AMAZING drummer since he's Lance's favorite. (Not to mention that I LOVED the name haha) So that name stuck and we went back and forth with his middle name and finally settled on Eli which is my grandpa's middle name, and it was a good one because Carter looks just like Papa Charlie!

When he was exactly one month old...he played Baby Jesus in the local Christmas play and made his Mama so proud, haha. He didn't cry the whole time he was on stage and just looked around. He was so sweet!

He's so much fun and we can't imagine living life without him. He's such a happy little boy. I don't think he's quite what our parents had in mind when they warned us we'd be getting paybacks. Here's a few pictures of the last few months.

Friday, June 19, 2009

I finally gave in....

So...DeAwna inspired me to finally start a blog! I've been meaning too for quite a while, but with everything going on right now, I guess it's a good time to start!!
Lance and I just celebrated our first wedding anniversary in May. I can't believe it's already been a year, but at the same time, I can't believe how much has happened since we were married!! It seems like life has been a roller coaster!

First, we had it all planned out to move to the valley and finish school. Lance was going to attend The Conservatory of Recording Arts and I would just be attending a community college until I figured it out. That plan changed after we got more and more involved in Expedition...

Around the time we were engaged, we were meeting with a few close friends about whether or not to start a new church in Payson. Now that church, Expedition, has grown to about 150 people or so!! It's so much fun and I can't believe how God is working! We are so blessed to be around such a great group of people who have really become family to us.

So, around August, Lance decided that he wanted to apply to Berklee. Its a college of music located in Boston, MA. He had wanted to go there since he first started getting serious about music. So we figured it was worth a shot, and if he got accepted, we would just go from there. Well, Berklee is very difficult to get into and has a really low acceptance rate and is known to be one of the most prestigious music colleges...So we went there in December for his interview and audition...(December is a very bad time to go to Boston...especially if you are from Arizona and thinking of moving there, haha) But we had a blast, and I talked him into taking me to New York for a day at the end of our trip, I had always wanted to go there during Christmas time, and he took me!! He is sooo good to me! ...Anyways, we found out at the end of January that HE GOT ACCEPTED!!! It was crazy and put poor Lance in a big decision making position. After being really happy that he was accepted, he finally decided that that was good enough and he didn't really even want to go after all...Then in March, we found out we were pregnant!!

It was definately a shock, but we were so thankful that we hadn't decided to pack up and move to Boston! We thought we wouldn't have kids for several years, but apparently God had a different plan, now we can't see life going any other way! We are working on building our home where I grew up and anxiously awaiting the arrival of our baby boy!